Victor Grauer: A Long Hum Drone Hum Hum

Victor Grauer: A Long Hum Drone Hum Hum

Originally published on December 14, 1972 Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Victor Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Victor Grauer Grauer softly reading softly reading softly reading reading reading reading reading reading softly reading reading reading reading reading reading reading softly reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading for more than three… Read more »

Written By

NewMusicBox Staff

Originally published on December 14, 1972

Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Victor Grauer Grauer Grauer Grauer Victor Grauer Grauer softly reading softly reading softly reading reading reading reading reading reading softly reading reading reading reading reading reading reading softly reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading reading for more than three hours hours Grauer’s hours hours hours hours hours hours hours reading softly hours Grauer’s hours hours hours hours.

And singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing singing the audience singing singing singing singing singing along long long along long along along along long long long long long singing along hum hum long hum long hum along hum hum hum hum hum drone hum drone drone a long drone hum drone hum a long hum drone hum a long drone a long drone hum drone hum a long hum drone hum hum humming hum hum hum hum hum hum hum humming drone humming drone humming drone humming droning hum droning hum droning hum hum hum humming hum.

Folding folding folding folding folding unfolding folding folding folding folding folding folding folding folding unfolding folding unfolding folding unfolding Grauer softly unfolding folding gathering gathering gathering gathering gathering gathering softly gathering gathering gathering Grauer softly gathering word sound word sound sound sound word sound word sound slowly gathering gathering gathering music sound music music word sound music music music sound sound sound sound word sound music sound sound sound sound sound sound in incantations incantations in incantations incantations incantations slowly gathering incantations incantations incantations in candlelight light light light light light light dark light light light light light light light light light light dark light light candlelight.

This is not a particularly good imitation of Grauer‘s style, but it conveys the rhythms and the atmosphere of his ‘Book of the Year 3000’ better than a prosaic description would. It does not, however, convey the reality of sitting still and listening to Grauer’s meditative poetry music for over three hours. It is not the kind of program that should be recommended to everyone. But for the patient listener who does not require a message or a dramatic line, the rewards can be great.