
Creative Productivity Challenge Day 3: Purpose

Flow: it’s that magical place when we are “in the zone” and operating at peak creativity—we’re focused, our mind is quiet, we’re working with a marvelous ease and time seems to disappear. How can we set ourselves up to get to the flow state more consistently?

Written By

Angela Myles Beeching

Explore all the posts from NewMusicBox’s 5-Day Creative Productivity Challenge here.

Flow: it’s that magical place when we are “in the zone” and operating at peak creativity—we’re focused, our mind is quiet, we’re working with marvelous ease and time seems to disappear.

How can we set ourselves up to get to the flow state more consistently?

What if the flow state were more accessible than we realized?

We’ll cover:
3 ways to boost your motivation, creativity, and access to flow.

A. Know your WHY
B. Know your Hero’s Journey
C. Know your FLOW

Resources for Day 3